Whāngaitia matua te tuakiri Māori

Promoting the sustenance of Māori identity

Tapuwae Roa (formerly Te Pūtea Whakatupu Trust) is a leading Māori social impact organisation with a focus on funding, investment, and advocacy of targeted social change within a tikanga-based framework.

Tapuwae Roa is a product of the Māori Fisheries Deed of Settlement 1992 and an entity of Te Kāhui o Te Ohu Kai Moana.

Ngā pou whakaaweawe | Our impact outcomes

Thriving Mātauranga Māori
Māori suceeding as Māori
Future leaders with ancient wisdom
Māori economic emancipation
Reciprocal relationship with Tangaroa

Kawepūrongo | News

Wrapping up Amorangi 2024

August 22, 2024|

Ka nui te mihi to everyone who joined us in Pōneke or tuned in from across the motu for Amorangi inānahi – kua kī te ngākau. With over 800 attendees participating across the day, [...]

Tukuoha funding for 2024 now open

August 12, 2024|

Eke panuku, eke tangaroa! Tukuoha funding rounds for 2024 are now open! 🍃  Each year, we fund talented and innovative Māori to deliver kaupapa that pursue excellence in education, science and leadership sectors. This year, [...]

E rua e rua te kūmara me te pūtea, kāore he hua ōna ki tua atu i te whāngai tangata

Money is like a kūmara, it has no value outside of its ability to sustain people.

Ao Pāpāho | In the media

Follow us @tapuwaeroa

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