We would like to send a massive mihi to all those across the motu who joined us for Aotearoa’s inaugural National Māori in Governance Summit, i tērā wiki.
With almost 1000 attendees participating in the day’s events, we are honoured to have presented you with a full day of inspiring kōrero and whakaaro from across the Māori governance sector.
We also appreciate the time that many of you took to engage and communicate virtually via the conference app. The collective wairua of our online audience was felt throughout the room and we value all of your pātai, whakaaro, and kōrero shared throughout the day – ngā mihi atu ki a koutou katoa.

We would like to take this time to also thank our wonderful kaikōrero who shared with us their own governance journey experiences, as well as inspirational words of wisdom for our next generation of leaders – Nā te pukenga me te mākohakoha o te kāhui kōrero tēnei huihuinga i whakamana ai.
If you were unable to participate in the summit in real-time – kei te pai! All recordings of the sessions are now available to watch on-demand via the event app using the button below for those who registered.
Following this, we will be publishing the sessions across our social media channels – so watch this space!