Inverness-Moana Cowles

Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hauā (Waikato), Waikato

Pou Herenga Tangata Award recipient 2023

This funding will assist me in attaining my moemoea to bring my learning back to my people. I want to be an inspiration for our poverty-stricken area to rise above and Dear to Dream that anything is possible if you work hard.

My plans are:

  • I applied for a Resident Assistant (RA) with UoA Waiparuru Halls, I was successful which gives me 15 hours per week to cover most of my accommodation for 2023.
  • For the past five years I have been involved in my United Nations Youth NZ kaupapa to secure the Auckland Regional Equity Managers position for 2023.
  • Semester Break 2022-2023, I have applied and secured an internship with Northland Regional Council (NRC) to save money for the following year of study (my aim is not to work while I study and to fully concentrate on my degree, so I don’t to worry about my financial living costs).
  • Science Scholarship Programme, I was accepted into this programme as an extension of my Science Degree due to my Academic Record at the beginning of this year.
  • 2023, Prime Minister’s Scholarship, I was one of only eight (from UoA) who were successful travelling to Brazil for 31 days to broaden our horizons through life-changing learning experiences in Asia and Latin America.
  • 2023-2024, Apply for Summer Studentship to Auckland Museum (To save funds for the following year and gain hands on experience in the field of my study)
  • Nov 2024, Complete Bachelor of Science
  • 2026, Complete Master end of 2026 and Graduate Masters 2027
  • 2027, Gain international employment as an Archaeologist for three to four years then
  • 2030, Enrol in Doctorate
  • 2033, Graduate Doctorate and return home to Northland