Atawhai Ngatai
Pou Herenga Tangata 2022
Atawhai (Ngāi Te Rangi) hopes to pilot a Waiariki Hāpai Ō Wānanga in response to the 2020 Waiariki candidate campaign where she saw an immediate need for rangatahi engagement in the democratic process. With the wānanga, Atawhai hopes to mobilise Waiariki rangatahi to stand in their mana as tangata whenua, and to practice tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake through various strategies.
The wānanga will include kōrero on koha and the importance of contributing to a kaupapa, the dissemination of mātauranga between generations (wānanga kōrero ki o mātou pākeke), the extended responsibilities of Hapai Ō and being ringa awhina (cleaning dishes, preparing kai for our whānau), understanding the tikanga and kawa of the marae, being across local issues, and understanding the value of hard work.
As a result of the wānanga, Atawhai hopes that participating rangatahi will feel empowered to pursue governance opportunities and potentially return to their respected kainga with mātauranga that they can share with their whanau. She also hopes to provide pākeke with the comfort of knowing that there is active succession happening in their hāpori and that rangatahi are willing to step into these spaces.