Tatiana Greening
Alternate Director, Tapuwae Roa
Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Kauwhata, Tainui, Tūwharetoa
Tatiana has extensive governance experience for her iwi in local council, district health board, primary health organisation, Māori and economic development and various service providers.
These roles see her advocating for Māori wellbeing priorities, investment for Māori advancement, equitable resourcing and influencing positive outcomes for whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori.
With a background in teaching, she has 20 years consulting in project management, evaluation and research, policy and organisational development. Her recent role General Manager for Manukau Urban Māori Authority focussed on supporting whānau in urban environments towards wellbeing and whānau centered solutions.
Tatiana currently serves on Te Pou Matakana – Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency who champion rangatiratanga – self determination for whānau within their communities.
Tatiana resides in Heretaunga near Korongata marae and spends her time with her tamariki in their sporting pursuits across rugby, league, waka ama, basketball and has a love for creating food. She considers it a privilege to be raised in her pā.